Saturday, May 30

look what i found!

his name is stanley (bc the stanley steamer guy found him). what should i do with him? put him back outside? he is so tiny, i'm afraid something will eat him...


  1. Aweeeee. Just precious. Is therea a name!? If so, you just couldn't return him to the wild, now could you!? Xoxo-BLC

  2. he's SO cute!!! :) A few years back I caught a turtle while fishing...I named him Herman Quantico (I caught him while fishing on base there.) You might want to check with your area's fish and game department about how best to handle...and turtles often carry salmonella, so be careful!

  3. so cute! i would have no idea how to keep a turtle though!

  4. Adorable!I actually found a tiny baby frog years ago and felt the same way, so I read online how to feed it and it became a class pet for the last few months of school (when I taught 3rd grade)...after school let out I did let him go :o)

  5. How sweet?! I would have NO idea about how to care for him. haha. BTW.. I left you an award my way

  6. I just found one of these little guys in our pool, Franklin is his name! I gave ihm to my nephews and they have him in a little bowl with rocks and a little pond water :)
