Monday, July 27


Are you all familiar with DecorPad? I recently came across the site and it is chock full of inspiration! You can even bookmark rooms you love after you sign up for an account! I just wish there were sources for where to get some of the items...Here are some of the looks I'm loving:

I love the pendant light here as well as the built-ins.
Love how this room feels so light and fresh!

and how light and airy this room is too.
Loving the window treatments here and the contrast of the darks and lights.
I pretty much love all of this! and so festive!


  1. I love that living room! It looks so relaxing and summery.

  2. those pictures are beautiful!!

  3. wow..I'll take all of the above...

  4. LOVE LOVE LOVE the third and fifth rooms. GORGEOUS!! That third one looks like a Candice Olsen room. Is it? I love her.

  5. I love all of them! I love how much light they all have!

  6. Love them! :)
    Great rooms!

  7. I LOVE DecorPad - err, more like I'm obsessed with it!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Yours is seriously WAY too cute!
