Monday, August 10


my classes start a week from today. i'm less than thrilled. but...fall bring UK football games, Keeneland and crisp nights, so I can't complain too much! plus (god willing) this is my LAST year of school EVER!!! yay!


  1. I am bummed about classes starting back too, but I am trying to think of all the Fall things that I love. It is helping a little bit :-/

  2. Wish it was my last year of school! I dont start my fall session until Aug. 31st. so I get a 3 week break inbetween summer session and fall...yippy! Enjoy you last week of freedom :)

  3. I wish I was as lucky! I still have two years undergrad and four years for dental. sigh. But YAY for football! =)

  4. I feel the same way girl! I've already taken 30 hours since January and I am dreading more school so soon! I can't wait to see my friends and start football season though :)

  5. I actually can't wait for school to start (i'll be eating those words later probably)...but only because I want to get it all done and out of the way.

  6. at least we don't start til the 24th. but I feel the same way... I'm SO over it.

    p.s. still planning a trip to chicago for the fall? you totally should!!
