Wednesday, January 13

Must love dogs

I want a dog. Really bad. As a rule, I prefer BIG dogs. Think labs, bernese mountain dogs, great pyrenees, etc... but, seeing as how we live in a rather small condo I'm thinking a big dog won't work....and, I don't want to wait another 3 years till we move to get puppy. So, I'm thinking maybe I could handle a little dog and I'm trying to convince Ben that little dogs can be fun too. I'm thinking one of these two:
King Charles Spaniel

French Bulldog {I'd name him something French, like Franc or something!}

Do any of you have these breeds? What do you think?


  1. New to reading your blog and I love it! :)

    That King Charles spaniel is precious!

  2. i say shih tzu!!!!! theyre the best cuddle-bugs!! :) :)

  3. You would LOVE a King Charles Spaniel! We had one growing up and he was the best dog ever. They are great snugglers, but also know how to have a lot of fun. They are very easily trained, and are just great dogs. I would get one in a heartbeat if we could afford it!

  4. Both are great dogs! My neighbor has a French bulldog, and it is perfect for a condo!

    I have a Welsh Terrier, and she does great in a condo too! I was worried since she is a terrier, but as long as she gets lots of walks she is good!

  5. Ok, the King Charles is precious but since you said you do love BIG dogs.. how about a medium sized one? Say an Old English Sheepdog, like our Sheepie, Sullivan?! His pictures are plasterd all over my blog and he's truly the best dog in the world! Ok, so I might be a bit biased- but we lived in a fair sized apartment the first five months that we had him and it worked out just fine!! And now that he's a little over a year old, he's a MAJOR couch potato. Just perfect. So, my vote? Sheepie!!! :)

  6. You should definitely look into getting a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. We have 2 (a boy and a girl). They are the sweetest, most loving dogs that I have ever had (I grew up with labs and a beagle). They are easy to train and a great size for a smaller space. We live in a town house and it works out well for us.

    Please do a lot of research on the breeder if you decide to go this route. Cavaliers are known for having heart murmurs. A good breeder will be able to provide you with what you need to rest assured that your puppy is healthy. If you have any questions, feel free to email me :)

  7. I have always been a big dog person too, so when I was in college my boyfriend and I got a black lab puppy. I love my pup so much but having a big dog has made finding housing post college difficult. I'm paying a significant more for rent in my area b/c I have a big dog. If I had to do it over again I would have gotten a smaller dog.

  8. I love King Charles Cavaliers, they are so adorable! Keep us posted, I am sure you will end up with an adorable pup to call your own :)

  9. That King Charles is precious! I love big dogs, too, though. We've always had collies (and one mid-size mutt), but I also am partial to Bernese Mountain dogs!

  10. My bf insists on a big dog too. That means no dog til we get a house. That's really, really far off. Plus, we're both allergic to dogs so it has to be hypoallergenic. Yeah, such a disaster.

    I've never had either breed myself, but I have a friend who has a french bulldog and he did great in a small apartment.

  11. There are several French bulldogs in our building... I LOVE them! They are smallish dogs with big personality.

    Buuuuut just because you have a small space doesn't mean you need a small dog!
    Elle and I live on the 52nd floor in 1100 square feet and she's quite happy. Just do research about what kind of exercise they need... danes don't need much at all, but some large-ish dogs do.

    Someone in my building has pretty much every breed of dog ever, so I can tell you about all of them.

  12. We are preparing to get a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel in the next couple of months and cannot wait!! They have the sweetest faces--I just melt looking at them!
    I have also met some very sweet French Bulldogs, so you really can't go wrong!

  13. GO WITH THE KING CHARLES SPANIEL! Haha- yes that called for all caps! My sister has one and he is just a love. He is 3 yrs old now, and I'd say he weighs about 25-30 lbs, about a foot or so tall- just the perfect little guy!

  14. Ugh. I'm in the same boat! We have a lab who is 14, so he hardly counts as a big dog anymore. He just lays around all day. We are talking about a new dog and eventually want another lab, but with a condo it doesn't make sense right now. We are thinking of going with a pug.

  15. Adorable!!! I must say that I am bias towards Labs b/c we have TWO! They are crazy and very energetic though. And we are lucky enough that they can stay outside and in the garage...but we let them come in every now and then when it's cold. If you had a medium or small sized lab and you were able to take it out a lot, I think it would make a great house dog :)

  16. I LOVE the King Charles Spaniel.. unfort. Chris LOVES big dogs, so we have a Rotti! =)

  17. I am so used to large dogs too - like lab sized. I grew up having dogs and still have "my" dog back home with my parents. Living away from them for almost 4yrs I've wanted another puppy and we got one on SATURDAY! Yes, just 5 days ago. We ended up getting a pomeranian because we live in an apartment building. But I was also looking at frenchie's too... they're SO CUTEEEE

  18. I am with you- want a dog so badly, yet want a big guy. Stupid condo.

  19. How stinking cute are they both! omg...i just want to hug them. lol I left you a little something over on my blog. ;)

  20. oh those puppies are precious!! I want the first one!

  21. I love both breeds you put - I'd get both in a heartbeat. *lol* My husband prefers big dogs, but our dog isn't a fan really of ones that are bigger than him, so we haven't gotten another.

    We have a Boston Terrier, and he's the love of our life. *lol* They're a great breed, and well mannered.

  22. LOVE these both!! I have friends with both and I don't think you can go wrong!! Can't wait to see what you get! `

  23. I grew up with a Lab so I'm drawn to big dogs too, but unless I buy a house soon (which I'm no where near ready to do) I think I may have to get a smaller dog. My neighbor has a King Charles and they are simply precious!

  24. I too am a big dog lover. I live in a small house with an Akita and English Mastiff. Don't let size turn you away from the love of a gentle giant, theres nothing like it! Mastiffs are very mellow dogs who can't take much more then a 15-20 minute walk :) Just thought I'd share my 2 cents!

  25. When I was living in San Fran I met the most amazing little frenchie named Winston. He was so charming! I hear great things about King Charles spaniels in terms of attitude and loyalty. I completely understand that large dog thing since both of ours are hounds (a black and tan coon and a plott) and they are both between 70 and 80pounds.

  26. I know that this wasn't one of the options you listed but if you guys prefer bigger dogs you could always go with an English Bulldog. They would be bigger than the frenchie and the king charles. They also do well in apartments. We lived in an apartment for almost two years with our first bully and he did great! We now have two bullies and they are such AMAZING dogs!

    Good luck with the dog search!!!

  27. i don't know what i'd do without my little pup. everyone should have one! those two breeds are both so precious. i do have a special little crush on cavalier king charles pups, though!

  28. My entire family has King Charles Spaniels... I don't have a big fenced in yard so I did some research before I got a King Charles too... I discovered the English Toy Spaniel breed, which is originally who King Charles were bread. If you look at old old oil paintings of King Charles Cavaliers you will see they are smaller with smashed faces. Anyway, English toys require less exercise and are referred to as apartment dogs. They are true lap/ couch dogs. People mistake mine fore King Charles all the time. They are the sweetest dogs with the best disposition. They are lovers. You should look into them!
