Wednesday, June 30

banana needs an intervention

i got an email from banana today with a 40% coupon good online today only. ok! thanks BR! so i head over to their website and what do i find!? some really ugly crap. who do they have designing this stuff? i feel like banana is always like that though....they either have a really cute collection out or just the opposite.
faded black with chains? wth?

pretty sure i wore this same dress to my 8th grade graduation in 1999.

and here we have more chains...

this just looks like a damn mess!

ombre snake skin? am i wrong that ombre went out a while ago?!


  1. I also got that email and went to check it out and I totally agree. It was all heinous!!

  2. I haven't even set foot in there forever, I just feel like it's all been sooooo blah lately!

  3. What is wrong with them?? I used by something there every week and the past 6 months have been terrible! Yesterday they had all dresses for $75 and I could NOT find anything. At least my bank account is happy!

  4. Everything outside of basic suiting has been awful for quite some time!

  5. I agree! I am always getting those 40% coupons as well- maybe they are hurting for business. They really need to step up their game!

  6. Hahaha! I was thinking the same thing! I went into the store the other day and left very quickly thinking that store has really gone downhill. What's going on over there? Hopefully they'll get their act together and get a new designer or something soon!

  7. Whoa! This is the kind of crap that makes me turn on stores for sure. Going for way too over-the-top and trendy! Tho I don't know who considers this crap trendy...ew!
