yea, shingles, and not the kind pictured above. what am I? A 75 year old man? ugh!! apparently these can be caused by stress. the doctor asked if i was under a lot of stress and i simply replied "i'm in law school," he laughed knowingly.
plus I have a 25 page paper (not including footnotes), upper level writing requirement due tomorrow. so yea, life pretty much sucks right now!
A friend of mine had shingles a little while ago. I hope you feel better and are able to get your paper done.
Oh no! I hope you feel better soon!
oh poor thing! Praying for your health, comfort and that darn paper that's due. Get better dear!
Oh no lovey :( I hope you feel better quickly! XOXO
I'm sorry that can't be fun. My brother had it in middle school if that makes you feel better.
I'm sorry you're under so much stress that your body wonked out on you.
Good luck with the paper & feel better soon!
Yikes! Hope you feel better!
Oh Mercy, I just hate that for you! I have never had them before, but have heard that they are horrible...I'll be praying for a quick recovery for sure!
Ummmm I don't want to laugh at you... but... bahahahaha. HOw in the hell did you get shingles?!?!
gah! how utterly terrible, awful and uncomfortable! hopefully they're not disseminated (and are only on one dermatone, or one part of your body??) yeah, it's the nurse in me, i can't help it!!! praying for and wishing you a very VERY speedy recovery!! i think this totally gets your an "out of a 25 page paper" free card!!
You poor thing...get better! If you need anything school related and you think L might have something to help...all you need to do is ask! Praying you feel better fast!
Ugh I had them when I was 18. I tend to be (very) stressed about things. Hope you feel okay and good luck getting everything done! Don't worry!
Awww I'm so sorry! I had the same luck while I was in law school, it always all came down on me at once! Good luck and feel better!
Oh No! I hope you get better soon, and good luck with the paper
I know how you feel, I'm taking coumadin (a blood thinner) for a clot, the same medication most 80 year ls take.
Oh I had shingles when I was in 4th grade and it was awful! I hope you are feeling better soon!
Aw girl I'm sorry :( I used to think only older people got shingles, but by the time I graduated college I knew about 10 that had had them! Feel better soon!
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