I've been out of college for almost two years now and I'm still sporting my sorority letters. I'm wondering when I'm expect to stop wearing them? If I do, I will have like no t-shirts or sweatshirts...my uniform for class. When did you all stop wearing your letters, or did you?

Stop wearing them? Ha! I would seriously have no t-shirts or comfortable broken-in hoodies if I stopped wearing mine! Plus, I dont feel so old when I wear them to the store or tanning bed and hope that people think Im still in college.. haha:) I graduated in '05 and my letters are definitely still in my rotation!
Sweets, I still wear my ex's college ball hoodies...oops! I still wear mine proudly. I paid for them, so I am going to get all the wear I can!!!
Sisters for life!!! Alpha Gamma Delta!!!
My favorite workout attire and sweatshirt sport my Phi Mu love...I'll be wearing it until they are too ratty for me to be seen in public!! So no...def NOT giving those up!! haha
Wearing letters for some reason wasn't a huge deal for me at ASU, and I don't really remember many girls in Kappa or other houses wearing letters proper. But Kappa (or fraternity) t-shirts from formals, philanthropies, and date parties? Well I wear those all the time :(
I graduated in may 2007 and I will wear my DG stuff. My bff graduated a year before me and she still wears her. I don't think there is a cut off. Maybe a time to downsize but I will definitely keep some of my shirts/sweat pants/hoodies/flipflops forever haha.
I don't think of it as any different than wearing a shirt representing your college. Wear it with pride!
I was a Theta in college too! How funny. :)
I've stopped wearing my letters and anything sorority-related at school.
I leave it for home/the gym/etc. I feel like most of my law school classmates are way older and way more boring than I am and don't take me seriously to begin with, so I figure I don't need them stereotyping me as a dumb blonde sorority girl to add to the problem.
I already get made fun of regularly for the amount of pink I wear... aaaand my dog's name is Elle Woods, so I've got enough going against me as it is. Haha.
I'm 23 too and a Theta as well! I still wear my letters, I still think they look adorable :)
Theta Love! ♥
too fun! :)
I graduated in '06 and still wear my t-shirts to the gym...I would never wear anything out in public though! But I guess living in Paris makes my case a different one though...
forgot to say I'm a KD :)
I just found your blog and I think you and your blog are adorable. I was a theta too (in Charleston) and at 27 my friends and I still haven't retired our function shirts entirely. At this point they're so broken in and much more comfy than anything new. I don't think anyone wears them outside of the house anymore though.
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