have i mentioned that i hate law school? i just got my grades and did really bad in one class. its such a blow to my self esteem. ugh. but, the good news is that i got an A in con law! yay! haha i hated that class so that was a nice surprise!
anyways....i wanted to share some pics of the house i stayed at while in charleston. it is amazing. my friend house sits for the retired couple who lives there (they were on a three week holiday in paris!) and we happened to be coming down while she was staying there. i want the couple to adopt me so i can move it!

CONGRATS on the A in Con Law!!! That's awesome... I don't even know what I would do if I got an A in Con Law. As for the other grade - meh. It happens. Only one more year, wahoo!!!
I love that house!! And I left you something on my blog!
That house is gorgeous. I am jealous! Also, Congrats on the "A!"
congrats! I got one of my few As in law school in con law and was so excited since it was a favorite class.
i was just in charleston this weekend. isn't it the best!
CONGRATS on the A in Con Law!!! Working at a law firm, we have several people here who are also currently in law school and love it just as much as you do - HA!
I love the house y'all stayed in. Where was it? I'm trying to think of houses on the water with docks like that in Charleston - must've been Mt. Pleasant, James Island, Johns Island, or Folly Beach . . . it's gorgeous!
folly! down 9th street.
Aweee! An A in Con Law is HUGE!!!! Also, I tagged you. And, that house is divine! Xoxo-BLC
i think i know the old man you are referring to. he practically does live there and is always at the same seat at the bar and probably thinks it is his seat. he is sorta an institution at that bar. and always there.
that's such a beautiful view!
umm, yes...maybe these folks are into the adopt a grandchild program?! let's hope!
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