Happy Monday lovelies! Hope you all had wonderful weekends! I did nothing, at it was amazing! The weather here has been unseasonably warm and gorgeous. It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving is NEXT week! crazy!
Need a good laugh this monday morning? well, while doing nothing this weekend, Ben and I had some fun playing with google. How random and hilarious are the search suggestion that show up on google?!

google is watching you!!

why don't women like me? hahaha. that is kind of sad!

even more sad... how come when i talk to girls on facebook they don't answer back? :( poor kid!
Did you know that if you google "where is chuck norris" and then the "i'm feeling lucky" button that this is what comes up? :

haha what?!
I also highly suggest googling "funny google street views." very funny!! ...
anywho... have a great monday!
I literally laughed out loud reading the Chuck Norris one! I always notice the random search suggestions too! They are so silly!
Omg I JUST posted about this this morning!!!!! weird!
Oh my goodness I love this post! SO funny! Have a great day love XOXO
ok, the churck norris one seriously made me laugh out loud! those are too funny. wouldn't you love that job, to sit around and type in those things?!?! :)
The Chuck Norris one is hilarious. Google always has the most random suggestions, who really asks Google why women don't like me?!? So sad!
The one about Chuck Norris is hilarious! These are all too funny!
Hilarious!! : )
It's also fun to go to the Chuck Norris quotes or facts page to find interesting facts like, "If you spell Chuck Norris in Scrabble you win. Forever."
Ahh, Google.
Haha- those are bizarre! But so funny! :)
how funny! What a great pick me up! If you google "white men stole my car" it will correct you to say "did you mean black men stole your car?" Super racist, but I couldn't believe it!
This post is so funny! You have a new follower just found your blog :)
That Chuck Norris thing is so funny! So is the green poop one!
haha. I thought about doing a post on this too. There's a good one on another site about sports players.
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