Tuesday, January 3

Big News!!

Saturday for New Years Eve we went to our friends Nancy & Mike's wedding.  She was gorgeous and the wedding was super fun! The band was amazing and they even had the popular late night pizza spot deliver pizza before the wedding was over! 

Blurry, but her dress was just perfect! She was such a beautiful bride!

Evidence of the good time had by all!

She put on this fab one shoulder dress for their exit! 

And then Sunday Ben asked me to marry him!! We're engaged! Lol I know ya'll have been waiting on this for a while (me too!!) I'm so excited! I was totally not expecting it, at all! We were home taking down Christmas decorations and before I knew it he was on one knee! We then got ready and went to my cousins' to celebrate with my family. I've had more champagne this weekend than any one person should consume! 

Then yesterday our good friends Brittany and Pat hosted an engagement brunch for us! I had known we were going over there for brunch but the fact that it was for my engagement was a surprise! haha, Ben and Britt had planned it all out! We ended up staying over there all day just hanging out and celebrating with great friends! I'm a lucky girl :)

I don't know what the plans for the wedding will be yet. We have kicked around having it in Charleston for a while. It's both of our favorite city and well, just beautiful...so that may be what we end up doing. Not on the beach, but downtown. I expect it will be 2013 though...so don't expect any hard core wedding planning posts right away! 


Anonymous said...

Congrats!! Your ring is gorg :) enjoy being engaged! It's so much fun!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! How exciting!

Jess said...

Congratulations on your engagement! So exciting!

Jill @ Bluegrass Belle said...

Your ring is a beauty ;) and I love your dress in your pictures from Britt's house!

KB said...

What a great way to start the new year!! Congratulations to you both and Good Job Ben~ the ring is gorgeous!

Meagan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mrs. K said...

Awe congratulations!! Your ring is beautiful and I can't wait to hear all the details of your planning!!

JMW said...

Congratulations! And your ring is a stunner! What a great way to kick off 2012. :)

Jessica said...

Congrats! That ring is gorgeous!!!

KatiePerk said...

Congratulations! I live in Charleston so if you need any suggestions/guidance I know peeps! hahaha. The ring is stunning!! What a kick off to 2012!

Natasha said...

congrats my dear!!! your ring is just beautiful and i love the sweet engagement story...home with just the two of you ;)

Sara McCarty said...

Yay! Congratulations! Your ring is gorgeous! 2012 is going to be an amazing year for you guys!

P!nky said...

YAYAYAYAY Congrats that is so exciting!!!! What a gorgeous ring and sweet engagement story! So happy for you! What an AMAZING start to 2012!!!


Mrs. Type A said...

Congrats!!!! So excited for you!

Annie said...

Ahhh so exciting! I drank so much champagne that week too....so great! Welcome to the world of wedding planning!

Preppy Girl Meets World said...

Congratulations! So happy for you! That ring is stunning.

On an related note- who makes that nail polish? I love it.

Danielle said...

Congratulations! I had a feeling with that title that was going to be your news. Very exciting! I'm partial to Charleston too, so I agree that would be a great place to get married. Have fun and happy planning!

Magan said...

Congratulations!! Your ring is absolutely stunning! Enjoy every second of your engagement and wedding planning. It's going to be a great year for you :)

XO Magan

Holy City Chic | Megan said...

Congratulations!!! Being engaged is such a whirlwind of emotions, but so amazing! Cheers to 2013 brides :)

Amber said...

Congratulations!!! What a great way to start of 2012. Enjoy every second of it.

Carolina Charm said...

love your friends exit dress!!! PS - your ring is GORG!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Have so much fun planning!

AbbyS. said...

congrats!!! Your ring is BEAUTIFUL.
Have fun planning.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, your ring is gorgeous!

Ashley @ Places To Go, Things To Buy said...

Wow, congrats!!! Your ring is gorgeous!

Sarah Brooke said...

One of the prettiest rings I've seen! Congrats!

Day Old News said...

The number of times I've thought you got engaged & I missed it - many. So happy I didn't miss the official announcement and that ring knocked me off my chair! Can't wait to see your pin board explode with wedding fabulosity!

Amanda said...

CONGRATS! That ring is gorgeous and absolutely perfect for you! Happy New YEAR!!!

Colleen Sullivan said...


Our engagement was just the start of so much fun and celebration! Enjoy it all!!!


Chelsi Baird said...

Congrats.. your ring is gorgeous!!

www.theknot.com , it's the best website while planning a wedding to use thier wedding planning timeline!

Chelsi @ www.hellovodkaitsmechelsib.wordpress.com

melissa said...

Congratulations! Beautiful, beautiful ring! Hope wedding planning is so much fun. And how lucky are you to be able to plan a wedding in the age of Pinterest! :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! :)

Kerr said...

Congratulations! Your ring is gorgeous!

Whitney said...

congrats again! your ring is stunning!

Lindsay said...

Congrats! What a great way to start the year! Your ring is gorgeous!

Northern Mama from the South said...

Congratulations!! What a great way to start the year. Your ring is beautiful!!

alicia said...

what an absolutely gorgeous ring! Congrats! And I love your nail polish color too :)

Everyday Adventures said...

Yay! How exciting! Congrats!! So happy for you:) Beautiful ring!

Erin said...

What a gorgeous ring!! Congratulations!!

California Wife said...

YAY, congratulations! Your ring is gorgeous!

Delta Daisies said...


Lauren said...

Congratulations again to our woobies! I'm so excited for you both and glad I could be there this weekend to celebrate with you guys and your family! I can't wait for the festivities to begin and I'm so happy I'll get to share in your big day! Love you both!

Katherine said...

Congratulations!! I'm so excited for you and Ben! Glad i was able to celebrate with you this weekend!!

xx, Katherine

Popcorn, Pugs & Peonies said...

Congratulations! Your ring is beautiful!


Emily said...

Congrats Katherine!!! I'm so excited for you!! I've always loved the idea of a Charleston wedding! Can't wait to follow along as you plan for the big day!

Glitterista said...

I was so happy to see this on twitter! Congratulations! Enjoy your gorgeous ring. :)

April of Smidge Of This said...

Ummmmmmm BEAUTIMOUS ring, girl! Congratulations, enjoy this time -- it is truly the best!

Sassy In The South said...

Congratulations, your ring is gorgeous!

Sara Beth said...

So exciting! Congrats!!

Nat said...

I'm really late- but congratulations!! Gorgeous ring!

Sarah Elizabeth said...

I'm a little late, but CONGRATULATIONS! How exciting :)