Monday, December 6

christmas at our casa

I haven't finished decorating just yet, but waned to share some pics I snapped last night of our Christmas decorations.
 My maternal grandmother's antique ornaments. She died before I was born & I love that I have a little piece of her in our home for the holidays.  And they are sitting on a table runner my paternal grandmother made...she is where I got my craftyness from!
 The tree! Lots of glitter!
 Mini tree with mini antique ornaments.
 Going to put these in a crystal bowl...need to go borrow one from mom's.
Theta Love!
and my most recent addition...this lovely ornament from my friend Alissa. it is a sand dollar w/ Rainbow Row painted on it...from my fave city, Charleston :)


Petchie said...

Your tree looks beautiful, and I love the Christmas ornaments!


Day Old News said...

Looks great! Love your antique ornament collection.

Anonymous said...

so cute! love it! very festive.

Jocelyn said...

Love all the fun colors!

Jill said...

Love your vintage Christmas balls and all the color! :)

Perfectly Imperfect said...

I love your ornaments. But really love the story behind them!