Monday, June 13


How was your weekend?! Too short, I'm sure!

Mine was great! Participated in Relay For Life with some Junior League of Lexington ladies. That was Fri-Sat.

Spent the rest of Saturday lounging by the pool...& Sunday took this lil' dude to the pool. He had a big time!
 Went to Tolly Ho late night.  For those of you who don't know, Tolly Ho is a UK staple. However they recently were forced to relocate and the new local is just not the same. Now I didn't go there often in college, and certainly hadn't been since then...but now its a, ehhh, questionable/scary crowd!
 annnnnd we had the BEST cab ride home ever! Driver from Jordan pretended we were on cash cab...hilarious!!

PS...I ordered this in a M and its too big (fits more like an 8/10) so I'm selling it for $30 (includes shipping)...let me know if you're interested!


Andee Shannon said...

Where is the dress from? It's cute

jennifer r. didio said...

What brand/where from? I LOVE this! Wierd question, would you try it on and take a picture so I can see kind of how it fits and the length? I think I want it.


Lauren said...

i'll definitely take it if its still available!