I have been wanting to get a Clarisonic for quite a while now. All my twitter friends rave about it and I've only heard great things. However, on a law student budget, the $200 price tag was pretty high for me to shell out for a beauty product. I figured someone must be making a similar product for less. Right? Well, I did some searching and there are several facial brushes out there that claim to be similar to the Clarisonic. The product that appears to be the most similar is the Pretika Sonic Dermabrasion Facial Brush. I have read tons of great reviews on the Pretika and for $41.50 it is much more affordable. The Pretika used to be sold at Brookstone but it doesn't appear to be sold on their website any longer. You can purchase it here at Drugstore.com. Plus, first time buyers get free shipping!


Both products claim to reduce pore size, deep clean, tackle fine lines, and generally improve the appearance and feel of your skin.
The Pretika website says this about its facial brush:
- Prepares the Skin to Better Absorb Skin Care Treatments
- ADVANCED BRUSH HEAD TECHNOLOGY, For Delicate, Sensitive and Normal Skin Types
- ADJUSTABLE POWER LEVELS. Low - Gentle Care, Keep Skin Firm, High - Penetrating Exfoliation
- Use daily to remove the Epidermal (outer) layer of dry and flaky skin cells and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles so your skin feels smoother. Gentle enough for use as part of your daily beauty rotuine. Also helps reduce appearance of pores, oily areas, dry skin patches and blemishes.
- Cleans so effectively for Healthier Skin - and prepares the skin to better absorb skin care treatments.
Have you all tried either/both of these products? What do you think? Seems like a good buy to me! Mine hasn't arrived yet, but I will be sure to let ya'll know how I like it after it gets here!
My mom has a facial brush but I'm not sure what brand. She loves it though!
I can't wait to hear how you like it. I gave up facials for the sake of my budget, and I could definitely use something!
I had the Clarisonic and am returning it due to it dying on me twice after just for uses. Skinstore (where I purchased from) and Clarisonic were both excellent in terms of Customer Service, but it just wasn't enough for me to keep the brush, even though I did love it!! I just can't deal with my skin spazzing every time the thing breaks and I have to wait 2 weeks for a replacement. I can't wait to hear your review of the Pretika!!! I would love to find something that works even half as good for less ;)
ooh please let me know how these work when you get them! when I die, I'm going to ask God what the whole deal with pores is- so unnecessary! xoe
I love my Clarisonic...but this honestly looks like it would be just as good. If the reviews are positive then I think you should def try it!
You will definitely have to give us a little review if you purchase this. I would love to have a Clarisonic, but it is so not in my budget right now.
I've honestly never heard of a facial brush. Interesting!
just started using a clairsonic a few weeks ago and I love it and you'll love yours!
I have something at my blog for you!!
Left a little sumin-sumin for ya over at my place! xoe
I have the Clarisonic and it is the best beauty product I have ever bought. I LOVE IT!!!!!!
I have not used one, but I would love to. It seems to do amazing things to your skin!
I have the Clarisonic and LOVE it, however if I had known about this before, I probably would have bought it instead of the Clarisonic. Let us know how you like it!
Not sure if you have any westlaw points (so i'm a total law school nerd, right?) but the clarisonic is absolutely the "reward" i am saving up for right now...
Hi there, new follower! Found you through Dave and Brit. I too am a Kentuckian, transplanted to Florida and your recent picture of snow covered Lexington brought back college memories (I went to Transy).
Love this post. I have been trying to make curtains for ages but keep getting them crooked. The idea of hanging them, genius. Why didn't I think of that?!!!
So what's the verdict? do you like the product?
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