Monday, June 1

i'm sad :(

my dad and i took my Jobe kitty to be put down today. he was just an old boy and it was time for him to go. i got him when i was ten in 95'. he used to be a really fat cat and had flat feet. we picked him out at the pound when he was 3 or 4. my dad liked him because he thought he looked OD green! he had a long, good life and lived to be 18 or 19. RIP jobe kitty, i'll miss you! 
{took this with my blackberry this morning while i was giving him a bowl of milk}


Organic Meatbag said... is so hard to let go of them, they're just as much your children as a human child could be... I dread the day that we have to let our dog and cat go...

Anonymous said...

aww that's so sad. I'm so sorry!

Candice said...

I'm so sorry! The hardest I ever cried was when he had to take my little kitty to the vet and they called and told us that she wouldn't be coming back home. Just remember the good times...he sure is a cutie :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, I am so sorry to hear about your kitty! I know it's so hard to watch them go when you've basically grown up with them, yourself. Sending warm hugs your way.

Christy {SparklesandSpinach} said...

Aw, I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty =( I had to put down my 16 yr old kitty this past November (the first time I've ever had to do it) and it was honestly one of the hardest things I ever had to do so I completely understand your pain. Your cat is in a peaceful place and is probably running around like a kitten again - at least that's what I like to think happens anyway ;)

EJR said...

sorry about your kitty :(

Sparkle Sparkle said...

sorry to hear that. i know that is tough.

CarrieMarie said...

I'm sorry about your cat! : ( I know how hard that is, and I know it sounds mean, but getting a new kitty right away does help heal. You never forget the one who's passed, but having another one to cuddle is nice. We had two cats, one grew up with me and one I inherited later. Tabetha got sick & had to be put to sleep (she was 14) and Tooncis stopped eating (he was 7). We got Angel to try & help him, but a month later he passed away, too. : ( But having Angel helped our whole family.

Sorry so long - just wanted to share!

Amy said...

I can completely relate to the pain and sadness you are feeling because we had to have one of our cats put to sleep last week. I'm so sorry you had to go through this, it's such a difficult thing. I'm sure you have wonderful memories of Jobe kitty, he had such a nice long life with you.

Hang in there.

Kayce said...

Aw, this makes me sooo sad. Look at that face. Poor thing! I'm sorry!